© 2011 Paul Forte

A section for people to submit their stories, anecdotes and memories of the past

Story Pages

To submit a story, an anecdote or simply some of your memories, please contact me

Rosie Williment, née Forte, (Brighton) remembers her nonno Alfonso in 1955, when she was just four years old and he came to live with them...

In 1894, Michele D'Inverno comes off worse in a pub brawl and has his throat cut by Salvatore Evangelista, a London  barber.  Salvatore appears at the Old Bailey with two friends...

A collection of short anecdotes from various people.

Giovanni Marsella tells the story of his dad, Pietro, and Gerry Forte going shooting near Swanage in 1942...

Alfonso Forte (Brighton) recalls his first visit to Mortale in 1950 with vivid memories of the life of the locals, fresh air and simple living...

Rosie Williment, née Forte, (Brighton) tells the story of our father, Aquilino's determination to transport his trusty lawnmower to his new home in Italy.

Nonna Filomena smashes two busts of Mussolini and is forced to justify the family's allegiance to Britain as war breaks out in Europe.

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Italo Forte tells of Tommasone Il Brigante, a story handed down through the generations and told to him by his uncle Thomas.

Anna Hassan shares three humerous stories which happened to her parents during the war years in Banbridge.
