100 years young

Luigi Cambone di Domenico

Luigi Cambone (born 9th April 1913)

Massive congratulations go to Mortale’s oldest resident, Luigi Cambone, who is 100 years old today.  Luigi has lived in Mortale for very many years and has been a friend of the Forte family throughout.  He not only knew our parents well, but also our grandparents and great grandparents.  At 100, he is wonderfully wise and superbly knowledgeable, happy to share his experience and give advice to anyone.  Luigi is incredibly self-sufficient and still manages the largest fruit and vegetable garden in the village, which you can see here.

You’re a real superstar, Luigi, and thank you for your loyal friendship over so many years!


  1. Io sono la figlia di Jimmy (Giacomo) e Joyce, via Garibaldi, e io sono così felice per voi in questo vostro 100 ° compleanno, può auguro molti altri, con amore.

  2. NEVEU Françoise et Daniel says:

    Bon anniversaire Luigi de la part de tes neveux Francese parisiens Françoise, Maxime, Claire et Daniel.
    Maria CIAMBERLANO et Eva se joignent à nous en espérant te voir prochainement.
    Bises. Françoise & Daniel

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